My Forage System

Maximize your
quality of life

with sustainable forage systems

Leverage artificial intelligence 

to optimize producers’ forage systems.

User-friendly digital solution adapted to the reality of producer.

forage systems

Dairy cattle

forage systems

Beef cattle

Forage system


Maximize financial, ecological and social impacts with our user-friendly and ergonomic platform.

For Your Business :
benefit from
  • Easier decision-making
  • Quality control of the final product
  • Increased profitability
Forage systems

 Fodder practices represent
between 25% and 35% of the total costs of a dairy farm.

Optimizing fodder production costs results in
a significant reduction in the environmental footprint of dairy production, while improving the profitability of your operation.

any questions?


Our approach

forage systems

Field analysis and issues

Control your forage practices while taking into account economic, environmental and social issues to optimize the profitability of your agricultural business.

Forage system

Innovation and

Maximize the efficiency of your forage systems through a holistic approach incorporating innovative practices and cutting-edge tools to reduce livestock feeding costs.

forage systems

Reliability and exclusive data

Benefit from reliable and exclusive data thanks to our platform powered by artificial intelligence, enabling precise analysis and future estimates for informed decision-making.


The forage management platform for economic, social and environmental sustainability.

forage systems


Control every step, from soil preparation to livestock feeding, to optimize your practices and achieve lasting results.

forage systems

Data integration

Maximize your results by leveraging artificial intelligence and multiple data sources for informed decisions.

Forage system

Monitoring and

Measure and evaluate your performance to make decisions based on concrete data.

Forage system

Specialized expertise

Benefit from personalized advice and a team of qualified agricultural experts to improve your practices.

Packages available

Maximize financial, ecological and social impacts with our user-friendly and ergonomic platform.





Producer package




Data entry

Fields Included Included
Silage Included Included
Economic Included Included


Forage plant management (Producer) Not included Included
Forage plant management (Regional) Included
Silage (producer) 1 analysis/month It mimics
Silage (regional) Not included Included

Forage Expert

Not included


Annual total



CQPF discount: 10%

Holistic management

MSF offers global management forage systems.

For these 3 productions, it ensures data analysis at 4 levels:

forage systems
forage systems

Cultivation practices

Optimize your cultivation practices to increase the productivity of your forage systems.

forage systems
Forage systems

Conservation of silage

Master conservation techniques to guarantee high quality silage.

Forage systems
forage systems

Business management 

Optimize your financial decisions to maximize the profitability of your forage systems.

drilling systems
forage systems

Environmental practices

Adopt environmentally friendly practices to ensure the sustainability of your forage activities

Optimize your forage systems for concrete, measurable results adapted to your field reality, while preserving sustainability.