1. Choose the year of entry of the organic fertilizer application. #
2. Choose one or more fields where the organic fertilizer application has been completed. #
3. Click on "Add an activity #
4. Click on "Organic Fertilizer #
5. Indicate whether the organic fertilizer has been "Incorporated" into the soil. #
6. Indicate whether organic fertilizer was applied before the regrowth stage when the plants are less than 10 cm in height. #
7. Enter the "Application date" for the organic fertilizer. #
8. Choose the crop on which the organic fertilizer was applied #
9. Choose the applied organic fertilizer from the organic fertilizer inventory. #
10. Enter the organic fertilizer application dosage. #
11. Choose the unit for the application dose. #
12. Enter the time in hours between spreading and incorporation into the soil. #
13. Enter application time "Application time". #
14. Click on "Save #