1. Navigate to https://app.msfourrager.com/ #
2. Click on "NIR analysis interpretation". #
3. Click on the "+" button
4. Enter a silage "Analysis description*". #
5. Enter the silage type: Corn, Grass, Alfalfa, Mixed Grass or Mixed Alfalfa. #
6. Enter the "Percentage of grass*" in the mixture #
7. Indicate the inoculant type #
8. Enter "Production type #
9. Enter the "Storage*" location identification for the analysis. #
10. Indicate the "Sample number*" of the sample #
11. Enter "Cut number*". #
12. Enter silage "Harvest date*". #
13. Enter "Sampling date". #
14. Enter the "Date of analysis" in the laboratory. #
15. Click on "Next #
16. Select "Select a file", which contains the analysis report. Please note, you must only enter one PDF or image file at a time. #
17. Once the file has been selected, click on "Next". #
18. Select the "Laboratory*" from which the analysis report originates. #
19. Click on "Finish #
20. It is possible that there is a delay of up to 48 hours before seeing the results and interpretation on report. #