The Key to Sustainable Animal Farming

Challenges in Sustainable Animal Farming

Animal farming faces environmental challenges that need more sustainable agricultural practices. Monitoring and recording forage systems are crucial for adapting to climate change and reducing the environmental impact of farming. Ruminant production, including dairy, cattle, and sheep farming, must adopt best management practices (BMPs) to improve farm sustainability. Adopting new BMPs is a challenge for governments, producer associations, and extension services. The process includes:

  • Identifying and assessing a problem
  • Identifying solutions
  • Evaluating the impact on farm resources
  • Selecting the solutions to implement
  • Implementing these solutions

Adoption of BMPs Starts with Monitoring and Recording Forage Systems

Dairy, cattle, and sheep farming depend on forage, both conserved (like silage and hay) and fresh pastures. Forage systems impact farm sustainability. Adopting BMPs can reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by improving soil carbon sequestration and reducing enteric methane emissions. Poor management can increase GHG emissions and reduce farm profitability.

Critical Data for Forage Systems

To improve sustainability and efficiency in forage-based animal farming, collect and analyze these critical data points:

  • Soil Health and Composition: Soil tests reveal nutrient levels, pH, organic matter, and other factors for proper fertilization and soil amendments.
  • Forage Yield and Quality: Regular monitoring ensures livestock’s nutritional needs are met. Measure dry matter yield, crude protein content, fiber levels, and digestibility.
  • Silage Quality: Monitoring silage quality helps formulate animal rations and diagnose conservation problems.
  • Grazing Patterns and Pasture Utilization: Track grazing to manage pasture health and ensure sustainable practices. Record grazing duration and intensity.
  • Weather and Climate Data: Weather affects forage growth and quality. Record temperature, rainfall, humidity, and other factors for informed decisions on planting, harvesting, and managing forage crops.
  • Animal Performance Data: Link forage data with animal performance metrics, like weight gain, milk production, and reproductive success, to assess forage management practices.
  • Pest and Disease Incidence: Monitor pest and disease occurrence in forage crops for timely intervention and minimizing crop losses.

Current Methods of Data Collection

Forage systems had limited technology for easy data collection and reporting until recently. Producers use various methods to gather data:

  • Soil Testing: Collect and send soil samples to labs for analysis, often disconnected from forage yield and pasture performance.
  • Forage Yield: Monitor by counting bales or trailers from fields, recording data in notebooks or Excel sheets.
  • Forage and Silage Quality: Submit samples to labs for composition reports, stored in computer folders or desks, limiting value without system interconnection.
  • Observation and Record-Keeping: Track grazing and pasture utilization through visual observation and manual record-keeping, prone to human error and labor-intensive.
  • Weather Stations and Apps: Collect weather data using local stations or apps, challenging to integrate with other farm management information.
  • Animal Performance Monitoring: Record manually or through livestock management software, not always seamlessly integrated with forage management.
  • Scouting for Pests and Diseases: Monitor pests and diseases through field scouting and manual recording, not interconnected with forage system performance.

Introducing Mon Système Fourrager

Mon Système Fourrager simplifies data collection and integration in forage systems. It is an all-in-one platform for forage producers, providing tools to monitor, record, and analyze data efficiently.

Mon Système Fourrager enables seamless data collection for informed decisions to enhance sustainability and productivity. It integrates data sources like soil tests, forage yield, silage quality, and forage inventory performance metrics into a single, user-friendly interface.

Key Features of Mon Système Fourrager:

  • Centralized Data Management: Consolidates essential data points into one platform, eliminating the need for multiple disconnected tools and spreadsheets, simplifying data management, and ensuring accuracy.
  • Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts: Monitor forage systems in real-time and receive alerts for critical events, such as silage quality issues, aiding timely decision-making and intervention.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed for ease of use, accessible to producers of all technical levels, with comprehensive documentation and support for a smooth user experience.
  • Collaboration with Producer Partners: Allows farm owners to share access with partners like agronomists and employees, facilitating collaboration and data sharing.

Promoting Sustainable Practices

Adopting Mon Système Fourrager helps producers enhance the sustainability of their farming operations. The platform supports BMP adoption by providing necessary data and tools for informed decisions. Improved forage management leads to better soil health, higher forage quality, and reduced environmental impact.


The future of sustainable animal farming lies in effective forage system management. Mon Système Fourrager is a powerful ally in adopting BMPs and improving farm sustainability. By leveraging advanced data collection, real-time monitoring, and integrated analytics, Mon Système Fourrager empowers producers to make data-driven decisions benefiting their operations and the environment.